Owners: Keeping Your Somali Indoors
- Indoors-Only
Is Best, from PetsMart.com; by Tracey Biscontini
- Things
You Should Consider Before Allowing Your Cat to Free Roam Outdoors,
excellent collection of links, includes converting an outdoor
cat to inside only, links to cat tree manufacturers
- Keeping Your Cats
Indoors, by Leda Beth Gray; from Santa Clara Valley Audubon
- Indoor
and Outdoor Cats, Pros and Cons, by Cindy Tittle Moore, from
Fanciers website
- It's a Dangerous
Place Out There!, good list of hazards facing outdoor cats
- Indoors
Only -- That's Where Your Cat Should Be, good article from
- Health Tips
For Your Indoor Cat, list of household items which can be
dangerous to indoor cats
By providing these links TASC does
not endorse the views expressed in these articles.
It is up to the reader to form his or her own opinion based on experience
and research.
This page was last updated on November 24, 2000.