TASC Membership Form

Please complete the following form and send it to the TASC Secretary by clicking on the submit button at the bottom. Your associate membership will become effective upon receipt of your annual dues. You will be advanced to full membership automatically after 6 months as an associate member. For a description of TASC membership click here. For a description of membership dues and instructions for submitting dues click here. Another link to these instructions will appear after the form is successfully completed.

Required for All Applicants

  Somali owner Somali exhibitor Somali breeder
  (check all that apply)
Are you the first TASC member in your household? Yes    No
E-mail address #1 Add to TASC E-mail list? Yes    No
E-mail address #2 Add to TASC E-mail list? Yes    No

Optional Information

Postal address: (note: postal address is optional if you have given an e-mail address and do not wish to receive any mailings. i.e. newsletter.)
Phone Number                    Day    Evening
May we list your name, state/country, email address, website link, and cattery name in our on-line directory? Yes    No
Website URL:
Cattery Name:
What cat registries/associations do you register/show in?

Required ONLY for Breeders' Forum Applicants

For information on (and qualifications for) TASC Breeders' Forum click here. Please do not fill out this part of the form unless you are sure that you qualify and wish to be a member of the Breeders' Forum.
Dates and queens for three Somali litters bred by applicant: (must include litters by at least two different queens, and must have one within the last two years)
Date (dd/mm/yy) Queen's Name
Name of cat, category/class show location and show date for five Somalis exhibited: (must include shows in at least three different calendar years, must include at least one kitten, one whole adult, and one spayed or neutered adult, and must include at least one show within the previous year)
Name of Cat Category/Class Show Location Date (dd/mm/yy)

The Association for Somali Cats
P.O. Box 1201
Philomath, OR, USA 97370

This page was last updated on December 5, 2000.